American Pie 2

Deliberate mistake: During the "breaking up" scene with Jim and Michelle when they're inside the cabin, her hair is crimpy, but when she walks outside and gets into her car, her hair is straight. This is because Alyson Hannigan filmed this particular scene during a break in the filming of a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" episode. (01:15:40)

American Pie 2 mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Jim's Dad walks in on him and the girl having 'goodbye sex', Jim scrambles around trying to cover himself. At one point, as he's going from the floor to the bed, you can see the string bikini or whatever he's wearing so that he doesn't accidentally expose himself. (00:03:20)

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Oz: All right, here's a new idea for you, Stifler, okay? You find a girl. You two become best friends. And you don't bother counting how many times you have sex with each other. You just laugh at the people that do count.
Stifler: Here's a new idea for you. I'll get you a spoon so you can eat my ass.

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Trivia: In the scene where Casey Affleck answers a phone call as a young executive, look close to the two people in the back. They are J.B Rogers, the Director, and Adam Herz, the scriptwriter.

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Question: When Kevin admits to having slept with no one at college,considering what Jess tells Vicky that if he said he slept with 3 he more likely slept with 1 or none will it be true what Stifler said about Vicky that if she said 1 it more likely to be 3?


Chosen answer: Yes. That's the point of the theory. Men multiply the number of women they've had sex with by 3, women divide the number by 3.

Captain Defenestrator

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