American Pie 2

Factual error: In the scene when Jim goes to band camp to look for Michelle, all the flute players (including Michelle) don't know how to play flute, they aren't moving their fingers to match the speed of the music. (00:26:55)

Factual error: Jim looks at a postcard sent to him from Nadia and it's addressed to 7 Beach Way, Grand Harbor, MI 49456. There is no Grand Harbor in Michigan. 49456 is a real ZIP (postal) code for Spring Lake, Michigan. (01:00:40)

Factual error: The movie is supposed to take place in Michigan, but you can often see the southern CA mountains in the background in the beach scenes. There are no mountains in Michigan that look like those.

Factual error: The end credits to the movie, which features the Harvey Danger song "Flagpole Sitta" (1997), incorrectly credits it as "I'm Not Sick But I'm Not Well" by LIT. No such song exists, nor have LIT or any other group ever officially recorded covers of "Flagpole Sitta."

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Suggested correction: Please indicate which version you saw this on (and possible screenshot). All the versions I've seen, including IMDB, don't even list this song (or it's incorrect title) in the credits. LIT is only credited for 2 songs; "Last Time Again" and "Place in the Sun" for "American Pie 2." The song "Flagpole Sitta" by Harvey Danger does appear in the first "American Pie" film, however the credits I've seen, including IMDB, gives the correct title and correct performed by credit.


Factual error: The movie takes place in Michigan, however when the boys first arrive in town, a sign reading "United States Post Office Seal Beach, California 90740" can be seen in the background. (00:21:55)

American Pie 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Stifler tries to 'go fishing' for some girls and throws a long bomb to the other guy who falls onto some bikini clad girls having a picnic, as he lands a previously intact Pepsi bottle is suddenly crushed before he even lands on it. (00:34:43)

More mistakes in American Pie 2

Oz: All right, here's a new idea for you, Stifler, okay? You find a girl. You two become best friends. And you don't bother counting how many times you have sex with each other. You just laugh at the people that do count.
Stifler: Here's a new idea for you. I'll get you a spoon so you can eat my ass.

More quotes from American Pie 2

Trivia: In the scene where Casey Affleck answers a phone call as a young executive, look close to the two people in the back. They are J.B Rogers, the Director, and Adam Herz, the scriptwriter.

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Question: When Kevin admits to having slept with no one at college,considering what Jess tells Vicky that if he said he slept with 3 he more likely slept with 1 or none will it be true what Stifler said about Vicky that if she said 1 it more likely to be 3?


Chosen answer: Yes. That's the point of the theory. Men multiply the number of women they've had sex with by 3, women divide the number by 3.

Captain Defenestrator

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