The Fugitive

Continuity mistake: In the flashbacks seen at the start of the film, Charles Nichols introduces Kimble to Alec Lentz. When this flashback is revisited later in the film, when Kimble breaks into Frederick Sykes' house, the words and actions of Nichols and Lentz are slightly different to what was seen earlier in the film. (00:04:15 - 01:24:55)


Continuity mistake: After the bus crashes, Kimble unlocks his hands and throws the keys onto the floor in front of Copeland. Two shots later the keys are lying in a different position when Copeland grabs them off the floor.


Character mistake: After Kimble jumps from the drain pipe over the waterfalls, the scene goes to Gerard standing in the pipe telling his crew to leave, then they all leave without picking up Gerard's gun that Kimble threw down next to him.

Continuity mistake: When the landlord's son is arrested, it's snowing, and the following scene is during the St. Patrick's Day parade, with no snow on the ground. The only other time there was snow was when the other fugitive was arrested/killed, so they must have filmed that the same time of the year.

Continuity mistake: Kimble puts the worker's uniform on over his prison uniform, but when he takes it off to tend to his wounds, we only see him remove the worker's uniform, with no sign of the prison uniform.

Continuity mistake: When the Marshals go to arrest Copeland, they are in Whiting, IN. When the Sheriff's car comes through, it is an Illinois State Police car.

Visible crew/equipment: The camera filming the wide shot of the press conference with the US Marshals and Chicago PD blends in with the rest of the camera crews there doing the conference. It is blatantly visible behind everyone asking questions. The angle from this camera is used at least twice. You can identify it by its film magazine. Almost all news organizations in the 1990s used video tape as opposed to film, so a film camera used during a press conference would and does stick out like a sore thumb.


Revealing mistake: Just after the opening murder scene, there's a shot of a Chicago Police van responding with blue lights flashing. If you look closely at the roof lights between the beacon on the right side of the roof you can see a sign "FILM2" stuck to the bar. (00:01:55)

Other mistake: After we see a shot of the prison bus driving along a road, the white, balding jail guard says, "20 miles to Benard. We should be there in 40 minutes." Not long after, one of the inmates begins to foam at the mouth. The black prisoner cries, "Hey, somebody, get in here quick!" The black jail guard stands up to unlock the cage, and the white, balding guy says to him, "We're almost to the prison." This is impossible considering he just mentioned the prison was 20 miles away. (00:14:52)


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Suggested correction: Almost is a relative word and compared to Chicago/Cook County, they could almost be at the prison (when flying from NYC to LAX, when you are over Utah, you are almost there even though you still have like an hour to go). But more likely (and how I have always taken it to mean), the guard didn't give two cents if these prisoners died in transport and the other guard should just sit tight because they are almost where they have to go and the prison doctors can look at him then.

Continuity mistake: The prisoner starts foaming at the mouth and pulls the sharp implement from his sock, but when he is shot, he collapses back in his seat with no sign of the foam around his mouth.

Other mistake: During the St. Patrick's Day parade, the camera shows a clock that displays the temperature, which is supposedly 23°. None of the spectators or performers we see is dressed for that temperature. They would be way more bundled up than they are. Everybody is dressed for weather in the 40s or so.

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Suggested correction: 20s is nice and toasty.

Character mistake: The investigators say that the prints found in Sykes' apartment belong to Kimble after dusting for them, making it clear they didn't use any equipment for fingerprint analysis or testing. No forensic investigator would confirm who the prints belong to until they run a thorough analysis. It seems as if they were basing the fact that they belonged to Kimble because they traced the call to the apartment, rather than acknowledge that the prints could belong to someone else.


Continuity mistake: When Kimble leaves the hospital and the detectives arrive, it's dark outside. However, when they're interviewing the nurse, you can see it's daylight outside.

Factual error: In the train crash scene there are many mistakes. 2 locos are pulling a hand full of cars, a small switcher loco would actually have been used. Oil journal bearings that haven't been used for decades. A flat car carrying logs, but there is no logging in the Chicagoland area. The second loco for some reason derails. In reality the train would have just pushed the bus a few hundred feet with no derailment. The shed explodes. The 200 ton loco just slides along the soft ground.

Continuity mistake: When Kimble is on the moving train, Sykes mysteriously appears from a door when he wasn't there before. (02:00:00)

Richard Kimble: Do you remember what I told you in the tunnel?
Sam Gerard: Um, yeah. It was noisy, I think you said something like you didn't kill your wife.
Richard Kimble: Remember what you told me?
Sam Gerard: I remember you pointing my gun at me.
Richard Kimble: You said "I don't care."
Tracing tech: He's on the south side.
Sam Gerard: Yeah. Yeah, that's right, Richard. I don't care. I'm not trying to solve a puzzle here.
Richard Kimble: Well, I *am* trying to solve a puzzle.
Cosmo Renfro: Five seconds to location.
Richard Kimble: And I just found a *big* piece.

More quotes from The Fugitive

Trivia: Director Andrew Davis had Harrison Ford start the film with a beard, and then shave it off, rather than using a disguise for Richard Kimble throughout the film.

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Question: Towards the end, before the confrontation with Kimble and Nicholls, the guy who was tracing Kimble's phone records tells the Marshalls that Kimble telephoned Sykes on the night of his wife's murder. But obviously it wasn't Kimble calling Sykes, it was Sykes using Kimble's phone. But why would Sykes be calling himself?


Chosen answer: He didn't. A key plot point is that Nichols borrowed Kimble's car on the night of the murder. The call to Sykes, which is expressly stated by the marshals as being on Kimble's car phone, was from Nichols, presumably arranging to meet so that he could give Sykes Kimble's keys to get into his house to lie in wait for him.


Thank you for explaining it. I've seen it several times and never realised how it went down.

And Tommy Lee Jones tells Kimble that they knew Nichols called Skyes from his car, but how? Wouldn't the more logical answer have been that the US Marshals thought that Kimble called Sykes from his car to tell the killer his wife was home alone? There is no way the US Marshalls would have known that the Kimble let Nichols borrow his call - that's the mistake in the movie! It actually should have made the Marshalls suspicious of Kimble, not exonerate him.

The Marshals know Kimble let Nichols borrow his car because Kimble told the police when he was initially interviewed following the murder. He gave a detailed account of his actions and whereabouts that night and mentioned that Nichols had borrowed his car. It didn't seem suspicious to the police at the time because Richard claimed he fought with a one armed man he didn't recognize; a story the police did not believe because there was no evidence of this and Kimble's wife "identified" her attacker as Richard. Gerard puts everything together when he realises that Nichols lied about knowing Lentz.


How did Sam figure out that Nichols borrowed the vehicle and made the call to Sykes and gave him keys, etc? I know in the laundry he reveals that he knew this but when/how did he figure it out?

Answer: This is more of a question really. What kind of defense attorney did this high dollar, Dr. Kimble hire who do not show their defendant pictures of the one-armed men the police question? How do his attorneys not ask him "OK, which of these one-armed men did you fight with in your house?"

The prosecution is not required to inform the defense of every person the police interview or question. They are only required to give the defense whatever evidence they have against the accused. Simply questioning someone in a perceived dead only counts as evidence against the accused if the prosecutor mentions it in court. If the prosecutor were to say "We interviewed a one-armed man named Sykes and he says he doesn't know you", then Kimble's defense would be required to be given access to Sykes. We can assume this never happened.


The Chicago police DID question Sykes after the Kimble murder. Review the scene where Sykes returns to his apartment after Kimble has been there. Girard starts asking Sykes questions, at first Sykes says he doesn't know anything about Kimble but then "remembers" that he had been interviewed by the police right after the Kimble murder. However, Sykes says that he gave the police an alibi, with 15 people supposedly confirming that Sykes was on a business trip and not in Chicago. The movie then implies that Sykes had been a Chicago cop and lost his arm "in the line of duty." Remember that the Chicago police focused on Kimble pretty quickly. Their investigators may have interviewed Sykes, but they likely didn't even come close to considering him as a potential murderer. Even with Sykes likely matching Kimble's description of the one-armed man, the police likely saw Sykes as a former cop... A former cop who had an alibi confirmed by 15 people. As I understand it, prosecutors don't have to tell defense attorneys about everyone that the cops question. They only have to tell the defense about potential witnesses that might be called in connection to the criminal trial. In this scenario, Sykes wouldn't have been part of the criminal trial (Again, supposedly on a business trip confirmed by 15 people on the night of the murder) and thus Kimble and his lawyers would never have known about his existence.

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