Freddy Got Fingered

Freddy Got Fingered (2001)

31 mistakes

(4 votes)

Continuity mistake: This error occurs when Tom finds a deer on the side of the road, slices it open, and wears its skin as a suit. After he is dancing with it on, he gets hit by the big truck. Now, if you look closely, when he gets hit, one of his shoes fall off, but when the camera gets closer to him lying on the ground, he has both shoes on his feet. (00:17:00)

Continuity mistake: When Gord is having a fight with his dad in the restaurant, Gord climbs onto a bar and kicks a glass off of it. Then, in the next scene, the glass is back. (00:44:30)

Freddy Got Fingered mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Gord skates into the mall, it is daytime. But in one scene just before when the police officer is about to run into the old guy and the guy with the shopping bag, you can clearly see it is nighttime through the big glass window. (00:02:55)

Continuity mistake: When Tom puts his father to sleep with the tranquilizer, his father has a goatee. When he wakes up and takes off the bandage on his neck he has a full beard from a week of sleep. Tom's father then goes into the bathroom and notices the beard. While he's in the bathroom he feels something move. He leaves the bathroom and walks to the door to find he is in Pakistan. When they show Tom's father, he has a goatee again. And it's a goatee the rest of the movie. (01:14:00)

Other mistake: In the restaurant where Gordie eats dinner with his girlfriend he starts a fight with his father. Then he jumps on one of the bars while playing a fiddle. Soon a bunch of police enters and one of the officers fires her gun into the air. Notice that the gun actually does not fire, there is no movement of the action. (00:44:45)

Continuity mistake: When Jim destroys the half-pipe the level of destruction varies from shot to shot. After he drives through it it looks completely flattened. The next shot shows a 1/4 section of it survived. The following shot shows a different 1/4 section of the ramp survived. The last and parting shot shows the 1/4 section that survived in an earlier shot. (00:48:50)


Visible crew/equipment: When Gordy's Dad pulls up ion his truck before 'The Backwards Man', you can see legs of crews members and shadows of the camera, crew and crew equipment in the reflection of the truck.

Continuity mistake: On the roof with Betty, just before the helicopter powers up for take off, her top goes from off her left shoulder to back on between shots.


Continuity mistake: In the very end, the kid who gets hurt all the time, suddenly runs to Tom Green, and his father jumps in attention to run after him. However in the next shot the father is standing exactly where he stood earlier.

Continuity mistake: When Gord leaves his parents' house to sell his cartoon, he gets in his car and starts backing up, then all of a sudden the car is turned the other way.

Continuity mistake: When Jim Brody confronts Darren outside of the bank to find where Gordy went, he kicks his cast to get him to talk. Jim kicks the cast multiple times. As the shots change we can see crumbled bits of cast fall to the ground, then the ground is clean, then the bits of cast are on the ground again. At the end of the scene, the ground is clean. (01:03:10)


Continuity mistake: In the scene at the start of the film where Gord climbs on the bus, then his dad said something so he gets off the bus, then the camera cuts, and he gets off the bus again. (00:04:50)

Continuity mistake: In the scene near the end in Pakistan with the house on the truck, in one shot Gordy jumps down from the truck and runs forward, then he immediately looks up as the rope snaps and the house falls. It then cuts to a wider shot where the house falls on him, and he is standing at the side of the truck near the rear, nowhere near where he was in the previous shot. (01:13:10)

Continuity mistake: When Gord and Betty are in the restaurant, Gord shouts down the phone at 'Bob'. From the angle facing Betty, you can hear Gord shouting but he isn't moving his mouth, is sitting up straight and has nothing in his hands. In the very next shot Gord has food in his hands and is leaning over the table. (00:42:20)

Continuity mistake: The magical moving bottle: After Freddy gets picked up by child services, Gordy is down in the basement working on his drawings. Jim comes down and is drunk. He sets a bottle of Wild Turkey in the middle of the drawings in the middle of the little table. A few seconds later the bottle has moved to the edge of the table so that Jim can pick up the drawings, criticize them then tear them up. (00:54:10)


Continuity mistake: After Gordo and Jim are captured in Pakistan they are at a table in a drinking contest. Jim chugs a bottle of liquor until it is almost gone. When he starts to put the bottle down there is still liquor in the bottle. As he sets the bottle down the shot changes and the bottle is empty. (01:20:10)


Audio problem: In the scene where Tom Green is sitting at the keyboard playing "Daddy, Would You Like Some Sausage?", Rip Torn reacts by yanking the strings on the sausage pulleys connected to Tom's fingers. Tom is pulled to his feet, and he yells in pain. Rip then stomps the keyboard. The audio of Tom yelling in pain continues, but the camera angle changes showing him squinting from the smoke and sparks, not yelling in pain. (00:48:05)

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the movie when Gordy is doing the voices of the drawings, he creases one of the pictures and it lifts up. You can see that the picture is a photocopy of the original, although apparently these drawings are original. This happens several other times in the movie.

Gord Brody: I hope I get a jobby, Freddy. I've got my fingers crossed... crossed... crossed... crossed... cross... ed.

More quotes from Freddy Got Fingered

Trivia: Not a mistake, just something to notice. When Freddy is watching TV just before the doctor comes, he is watching an operation. I believe, but am not totally sure, that the operation is that of Tom Green's (Gord) that was aired on MTV.

More trivia for Freddy Got Fingered

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