American History X

Corrected entry: Before the killing of the black guy happens, in the scene where Derek is arguing with the English Teacher (Murray) about civil rights, he hurts Jennifer Lien. He then takes off his shirt and shows Murray the German Swastika on his chest, as he does you can easily see a smudge in the Swastika.

Correction: Actually, it is impossible to tell if there is a smudge, because the Swastika is mostly still covered by his shirt.

Corrected entry: When the man puts his teeth on the curb, you can tell they put powder on the curb so his teeth weren't really touching it.


Correction: At no time can you see any powder on the curb.

Continuity mistake: When Danny and Derek are taking down the Nazi-posters in Danny's room, the big poster above the computer is a very large Nazi flag that takes up about one fifth of the entire wall. During one of the shots in which all other smaller posters are being taken down, it is not there, and then it reappears and is the last one they take down.

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Murray: Derek, what are you trying to prove?

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Question: We see something going on between the corrupt skinhead and the Hispanic criminal inside the prison, and it makes Vinyard leave that gang. What exactly was the arrangement by the skinheads to 'protect' Vinyard?

Answer: It's quite simple: He was one of them, a fellow skinhead. In prison different groups stick together for mutual protection and comradeship, and as neo-nazis/skinheads would be fairly unpopular with the colored inmates, all the more reason for them to protect each other.


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