
Visible crew/equipment: In the sequence where the young are in the field to clear up the rules of "chicken game" (or something), you can see a part of a microphone above them.

Visible crew/equipment: When Ariel is jumping from her car to the truck we catch a reflection of the "TRUCK" in the window of HER car. What we see is the rounded end of a silver vehicle. The truck has a flat bed.

Frank Scialdone

Continuity mistake: As Ren is dancing after the confrontation with his uncle we can see him dancing through the factory. He then does some gymnastics on a bar on the loft. If you look you can see that he is wearing gymnastics grips on his hands. Yet he did not have them on in the shot before, or in the shot afterwards.


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Rusty: What is wrong about getting a little psyched over Ren? He's cute! He's from out of town, and don't tell me that doesn't curl your toes, Ariel, I know you too well. You want out of here so bad you probably memorize bus schedules.

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Trivia: In the scene where Rev. Shaw shows Ren a picture of his deceased son Bobby, John Lithgow actually showed a picture of his real son.

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Question: When Ren is driving with his friends at night, he is told about the circumstances behind the death of Ariel's brother. It was quite clear that it was driving while under the influence of alcohol that was responsible for his death so why blame it on playing loud music?

Answer: The belief was that rock and roll was the root cause of the accident. The adults who supported the ban believed that rock and roll influenced the teens to do things they wouldn't normally do, such as drinking and driving.


Answer: One of the kids answers the question during the conversation by saying something along the lines of there's three things involved, and the adults didn't wanna get rid of two of 'em, which left dancing/music.


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