A Few Good Men
A Few Good Men mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During Danny's drunken yelling scene he swoops a table ALMOST clear of its papers, meaning there are still a few papers messily left on the table. However, a few shots later, those papers are mysteriously missing. (01:47:20)

Continuity mistake: Near the end when Jack Nicholson is on the witness stand you can see his collar is wet from sweat, then after he gets up it is dry, then wet again...

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Col. Nathan R. Jessup: Sweet dreams, son.
Lt. Daniel Kaffee: Don't call me son. I am a lawyer and officer in the United States Navy, and you're under arrest, you son of a bitch.

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Trivia: Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin has a cameo as a lawyer in a bar talking to a woman about one of his cases.

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Answer: It's something done to one trooper in a unit who is not pulling his load, to let him know his teammates are tired of him making them look bad. It can range from a beating after lights out to scrubbing a soldier who won't shower with toilet brushes and Comet. (And yes, both of those are from my own military experience, though I wasn't the victim!) It's meant to give a warning and doesn't normally harm anything but the victim's pride. They are strongly against regulations in the past year or two as several soldiers were injured by their unit getting overzealous, just like in the movie.

Grumpy Scot

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