Father of the Bride Part II

Revealing mistake: The monitors in the hospital attached to Mr. Banks's wife and daughter didn't move, although they should have shown something important about the patients.

Revealing mistake: The panicked drive to the hospital ostensibly takes place during the early evening, yet there is absolutely no traffic in downtown Los Angeles.

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Suggested correction: They don't live in Los Angeles, they live in San Marino.

Other mistake: George and Nina are sitting in the kitchen when the ceiling leaks from the rain and George makes a comment about the roof leaking. The only problem is it is a two-story house, so the water must be coming from the floor above, not the roof.

William Bergquist

More mistakes in Father of the Bride Part II

Nina Banks: Just because we're older doesn't mean we're old. This is the 90s.

More quotes from Father of the Bride Part II

Trivia: Check out the Scrabble board after Annie moves back in. Words like "epidural, breech, and mother." All birth-related words. Talk about a theme game.

More trivia for Father of the Bride Part II

Question: OK I'm gonna be dumb and ask, what on earth is Franck's nationality and accent?

Answer: Martin short once claimed in an interview that Franck is just a combination of several different nationalities that he combined for the character. Like Bronson Pinchot in Beverly Hills Cop, part of the humour is not knowing where he came from.

Gavin Jackson

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