The Fast and the Furious

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie where Brian and Dominic try to beat the speeding train, Brian's windshield wipers are suddenly on. Then the camera cuts away, and then back, and the wipers are now off.

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the scene where Johnny Tran pumps oil into the mechanic's mouth, the shirt of the mechanic changes from REALLY wet, to almost dry in every shot. (00:52:45)

Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie when Brian drives the Eclipse, if you watch closely he redlines then shifts to second. The problem is that when they show the over head picture he shifts into second once again. (00:03:29)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene in which Jesse is shot watch his legs. In the first shot his left leg is crossed and under his right leg. In the second shot both his legs are stretched before him. (01:31:27)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brian is topping out his car in the stadium parking lot at the beginning, it looks like he's shifting and steering with the same hand, as the shot is reversed. Easiest way to tell is the "Sparco" on his seat is backwards. (00:03:29)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dom, Leon and Letty arrive at that place where Brian and Mia are calling the ambulance to rescue Vince, you can see that the car whirls up some dust so the front of the car is covered in dust. In the next shot, however, the car is clean again. (01:27:15)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: On the very first race (in where Ja Rule takes part in the event), Dom (Vin Diesel) is driving a red Mazda RX-7. After the drivers line up on the starting line, Dom lifts up the passenger seat cushion to his Mazda to reveal a nitrous oxide system with a spinning nozzle and two gauges. Immediately after you see Dom spin the nozzle open, the camera does a close up of the nozzle and gauges in the next shot. Note how the gauge frames extended out from the surface (a good distance) then turn completely flat for the close up, even the nozzle gets shifted from one side of the guages to the other. (00:16:00)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene of the "race wars" when Jesse runs against the Johnny Tran's Honda S2000, at the moment when Jesse pushes his NOS button, his car has a red racing steering wheel, maybe a MOMO wheel, and three gauges on the "A column" (at the left of the windshield column) of his Jetta. When the shot changes to Jesse when he says "ha," the red MOMO wheel becomes in a grape Jetta wheel without NOS buttons and the gauges disappear from the car. (01:13:05)

Continuity mistake: This mistake occurs during the first racing scene between the four guys. It happens after Jesse and Ja Rule look under the hood of Brian's Eclipse. As soon as Brian says 'Am I worthy?' and he is in the middle of his sentence, it cuts to a different camera angle and shows Brian smiling but not moving his mouth while his words are still being said. (00:14:40)

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the first race between Diesel & Walker, the 2 girls spray paint a wide and very faint red line across the street. When the cars pull up to it, the line is now very distinct and only a few inches wide.


Continuity mistake: When Brian pulls up in his red pick-up truck, note the distance from his truck to the car in front, this distance is is reduced somewhat when you look in the background in all following shots. (00:04:00)


Continuity mistake: During the scene at the Diner when Brian is asking Dom for a slice of the action on how he makes the extra cash for car parts etc. Right as Brian says "Now whatever it is you're in on, I want in on it to", we see Dom with a grin on his face, the camera then cuts to a closer view and the expression on his face has changed. (01:05:50)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Dom and Brian are racing the train, the train numbers on the front of the train appear backwards. As soon as they cross the train, the train numbers appear forward: 3134. (01:37:22)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the final hijacking scene, Dom pulls in front of the truck so Vince can get pull out the passenger side windshield with his harpoon gun. However, if you look closely right before Vince shoots his gun for the first time, you can see that the passenger side windshield is not even there. The glare coming off of the driver side windshield makes it very easy to see the difference between the two. (01:21:19)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the film when we see Brian and Vince fighting, they are first fighting in front of Brian's truck, then in front of the car, then back to the truck. (00:07:30)


Continuity mistake: At the end of the first race, when Dom enters the parking lot, the first shot we see of the car it is already some distance up the ramp, but in the next shot we see the car has just entered the parking lot and is at the bottom of the ramp. (00:23:00)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Brian is with the Muse, Tanner and the FBI watchdog in the safe house kitchen, Muse makes a smart crack about getting off over Mia Toretto, then Brian pushes Muse very forcefully to the left of Tanner, but Muse ends up landing on the floor to the right of Tanner. (00:52:15)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Brian and Dom start to run from the cops, they go around a corner. If you look in the rear windshield, the chasing police car goes right through the intersection, the camera goes to a different shot, and the police car crashes. (00:25:10)

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Brian goes back to Dom's house for the first time, Dom gives him Vince's beer. They show him lift his shirt and wipe the beer off, then they cut back and they show him again lifting his shirt up and wiping the beer off. (00:32:12)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Brian is chasing Johnny Tran, he stops the car and shoots Johnny. Johnny spins out and falls off the bike. While he falls off the bike you can see a shopping cart on the side of the road, but when Brian runs over to see if he is dead, the cart is gone. (01:34:15)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the opening hijack scene, the semi obviously has two sets of rear wheels on the trailer, but when it comes to the scene where the black Honda is under the trailer, there is only one set of rear wheels. (00:01:11)

More mistakes in The Fast and the Furious

Toretto: Ask any racer, any real racer. It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning.

More quotes from The Fast and the Furious

Trivia: The driver of the Ferrari that Brian and Dom race in the Supra is Neal Moritz, the producer of the movie. (01:06:28)


More trivia for The Fast and the Furious

Question: It is repeated that Bryan owes Dom a 10 second car. To me, a car has 4 wheels and an engine. What is a "10 second car"?


Chosen answer: It's a car with the power to do a quarter-mile drag race of the type depicted in the film in ten seconds.


More questions & answers from The Fast and the Furious

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