The Fast and the Furious
The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Brian is running the Eclipse through the stadium parking lot, he shifts and the car jumps from 120 mph to 140 mph in about one second. (00:03:35)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Close to the end of the film, when Vince jumps on the truck that they're hijacking, Vince's head goes from above the front, to level with the grill in subsequent shots. (01:18:35)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Dom is pulling his red RX7 into the garage after the first race is broken up by the cops, he is making a right turn into the garage. When they cut to the front of the car pulling in the garage, his left signal light is on, meaning he made a left turn into the garage. (00:23:59)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Close to the end when we see Brian in his orange car speeding down the road, if you notice Leon parked his car on the side of the road, but when it cuts to a front view of the road when we see Brian's car pass the camera, Leon's car has vanished. (01:21:25)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brian has picked up Dom from the first race, the Chinese guys drive up behind him. If you notice out of Dom's window it is a blue motorbike that appears, in the following shot the motorbikes on Dom's side are both red. (00:25:40)


Continuity mistake: When Tran and Lance open fire on Brian in the case, Brian passes the same red/brown car with the white hood twice. (01:32:45)


Continuity mistake: In the scene after Dom and Brian arrive at Dom's place, Vince walks up to Dom and tells him "he had no right bringing the buster there." Just before Vince walks up, you see Dom sitting down putting his hand on his head. Next shot cuts to Vince walking up and cuts back to Dom who getting ready to sit down again then puts his hand on his head.

Continuity mistake: When the civics catch up with the final lorry it is daybreak. However, once they start the hijack, it's broad daylight. (01:19:00)


Continuity mistake: At the end of the film when, Dom knocks the Chinese guy off of his motorbike. In the previous shot if you slow it down you can see that it's a street full of houses to the left and right, but these suddenly vanish and are replaced by a big hill which the Chinese guy rolls down. (01:29:55)


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Suggested correction: According to this site's rules, if you have to use slow motion to see something, it's not a valid mistake.


Continuity mistake: Right at the end when Vin and the rest are preparing to rob the final truck, Vin says something like "Let's go." A duffel bag of equipment comes flying at him, presumably from another person, that Vin catches in mid-air. In an immediate overhead shot from Vin's back, he has the bag in his hand but there is no one anywhere near him who could have thrown the bag. The closest person in maybe 25 feet away. The shallow angle that the bag arrived and the heavy equipment in it shows that it was a close throw of a few feet at most. (01:16:00)

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film when the Chinese guy is shooting at Brian's car, if you watch closely in the background, the street changes from having lots of cars on it to none or hardly none at all. (01:28:45)


The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The smudges and blood-stains on Dom's shirt in the end change a lot during the scene. (01:25:50)

Continuity mistake: When Brian and Dom get pulled over by Tran's gang, there is a shot of both Brian and Dom getting out of the car and shutting their doors. Then it cuts to a shot of Lance taking off his helmet. If you look in the background, you can see Brian getting out of his car again, and shutting his door again. (00:27:27)


Continuity mistake: Watch the scene where everyone is scrambling to run to their cars after Leon yells "Cops!" When Mia runs and gets into the passenger seat of Letty's purple 240SX, you can see that the driver is not Letty. The driver looks nothing like Letty (hair and face are different). (01:46:48)

Continuity mistake: During the first race scene Brian uses NOS to take over the guy next to him in the red car. You can see Brian taking over the red car, then it cuts to inside the red car, and Brian is taking over it again. (00:18:40)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where the cars are hijacking the truck with the harpoon, it shoots through the windshield, leaving a big, shattered hole. When it cuts back to the truck again, the windshield is fine. (01:21:22)

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the motorcycle chase they jump off the same hill twice which is in West Hollywood, once they go down the hill and turn the corner they are magically in San Pedro. (01:35:29)

The Fast and the Furious mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Brian pulls up to Dom's garage towing a red car, Jessie looks under the hood, and the shot from inside the car shows Jessie in one shot with his arms down, in the next shot, he has them up or crossed. (00:37:25)


Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, when Brian shoots the guy on the motorcycle, he gets out of the car and clearly shuts the door before crossing the street, but when he runs back to the car to chase Dom, the door is open. (01:34:23)

More mistakes in The Fast and the Furious

Vince: Why don't you try Fat Burger from now on? You can get yourself a double cheese with fries for 2.95, f**got!
Brian: I like the tuna here.
Vince: Bullshit asshole, no-one likes the tuna here!
Brian: Yeah well I do.

More quotes from The Fast and the Furious

Trivia: The driver of the Ferrari that Brian and Dom race in the Supra is Neal Moritz, the producer of the movie. (01:06:28)


More trivia for The Fast and the Furious

Question: It is repeated that Bryan owes Dom a 10 second car. To me, a car has 4 wheels and an engine. What is a "10 second car"?


Chosen answer: It's a car with the power to do a quarter-mile drag race of the type depicted in the film in ten seconds.


More questions & answers from The Fast and the Furious

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