Far and Away

Far and Away (1992)


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Shannon Christie: No! Joseph, please come back. Joseph, no! Don't leave me alone. Please. I loved you. I loved you from the first time I saw you.
Joseph Donnelly: I've often wondered about that.

Joseph Donnelly: Maybe this is my destiny. On his death bed, my father told me he'd be watching me from up above. I wonder now if his spirit might be near, guiding me along.
Shannon Christie: If he bumps into Mr. McGuire up there, tell him I want my spoons back.

Bourke: Now that's a long-legged piece of strawberry tart.

Joseph Donnelly: I tried to prove myself to you, But I know nothing of Books, or Alphabets, or Sun, or Moon, or... All I know is Joseph Loves Shannon.

Shannon Christie: Stop right where you are! Don't flutter an eyelid! Or I'll stab ya! I'll stab ya through.

Continuity mistake: After Shannon has been shot and Joseph takes her to her parents' house, he lays her on a chair in the living room. First she is facing the wall, in the next shot she is lying flat, then she is facing the opposite wall.

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Trivia: Shannon and Joseph's mean boss at the chicken plant is played by director Ron Howard's brother, Clint.


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