The Family Man

Revealing mistake: In the bowling alley scene where Jeremy and Nick are discussing the red-haired woman, you can see Nick shaking from laughter and even hear it. It is easier to spot if you have watched the outtakes. Nick simply could not contain his laughter during this scene and so they just shot him from behind and left it in. This happens in another scene as well, when they first enter Jeremy's "manly" den. These two were just having too much fun filming this movie. Watch the outtakes.

Tiffany Fife

Continuity mistake: When Kate is eating the olives at the Christmas party it shows her with only one left. It then cuts back to Jack Campbell and when it cuts back to Kate she suddenly has two left on the toothpick.

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Arnie: A little flirtation is harmless but you're dealing with fire here. The fidelity bank and trust is a tough creditor. You make a deposit somewhere else, they close your account - forever.

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Trivia: Nicolas Cage actually owned the Ferrari 550 Maranello that he drives in this movie.

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Question: What is the ring tone on Jack Campbell's cell phone? What kind of phone does he use in the movie?

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