The Faculty

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Coach Willis tells Casey he did some fast running and there is plenty of chasing on the field then the camera cuts to showing Casey and his father, the tip of a boom mic is visible at the top of the screen. (00:34:00)

Continuity mistake: When Casey is walking up to the school after his father drove him there, we see that Casey's bag strap is backwards. Then they cut to the car, and when they cut back to Casey and all of a sudden, his bagstrap is turned the right way. The next cut is when coach Willis and Casey's father look at Casey and then Casey starts to walk up to the school again and his bag strap is turned backwards again.

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Coach Willis: You're not much into sports.
Casey: I don't think that a person should run unless he's being chased.
Coach Willis: "Being chased." I like that.

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Trivia: The film's cover of "Another Brick in the Wall" (Parts 1 and 2) were performed by a band called "Class of '99." The band was a super-group made up of members from prominent 80's and 90's rock bands. (Including members of Alice in Chains, Rage Against the Machine, and Jane's Addiction.) The band was formed exclusively to record the covers for the soundtrack, and disbanded immediately after the film's release.


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Question: In the scene where the main characters are talking about their peculiar behaviours i.e.- "Stokely, since when did you start liking boys" and "What, Delilah, you haven't gone without hairspray and contacts since birth". Can anyone please tell me what Delilah means when she says to Casey- "And Casey, since when did you become Sigourney Weaver?" I have never understood what it means but I think it might have some reference to the movie "Alien".

Answer: That's exactly right. Weaver fought aliens in all the "Alien" movies.


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