
Face/Off (1997)

91 mistakes

(17 votes)

Factual error: In reality, a face transplant like this couldn't work for multiple reasons. Primarily because of blood type, with Castor (Cage) being AB and Sean (Travolta) being O Negative. Organ donors and recipients need to have the same exact blood type for transplants to work, otherwise the recipient's body will reject it even with medication. In addition, intensive surgery is needed to connect a donor face to a recipient (ex. Connect blood vessels), which takes more than several hours.


Other mistake: In the scene where Archer (as Troy) escapes with Ivan Dubov we see their tracking blips still moving on the tracking monitor after their tracking boots have been removed. (01:06:35)


Continuity mistake: In the shoot-out sequence in the Mexican Standoff scene between Archer, Castor, Sasha, Eve, and Castor's two bodyguards, you don't need to look carefully to see that the exact same footage is used twice at different times to show a flowerpot exploding. Also, a bad guy gets shot and falls the exact same way twice at different times. He doesn't even fall at a different camera or body angle.

Continuity mistake: When Castor Troy first arrives at the airplane you see another business jet in the back (you see the red engine coverages). Few seconds later there is a different aircraft with a propeller and no jet anymore.

Ronnie Bischof

Revealing mistake: When Cage is shooting Travolta with the Uzi type weapon in the room with mirrors, the gun has no muzzle flash in several shots.

David Mercier

Continuity mistake: When Troy (as Archer) arrives home for the first time, he's walking around his wife. When he says her name, his right hand is held up. From a different angle as he moves to her right, his hands are by his side. (00:52:50)

Jon Sandys

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the boat chase, the "Coast Guard" boat is facing towards the two boats. A few seconds later one of the chase boats flies through the Coast Guard boat from its rear. It would have taken too much time to spin that boat around for the boat to crash through the back. And even if it were possible, most of the crew were shot and fell off the boat. Who drove the boat to position it for the crash?

Other mistake: When Archer (as Troy) and Dubov are fighting with the guards prior to Archer escaping, we see two guards looking at a computer screen which has several prisoners names registered on it, including Pollux Troy's name. Pollux has already been released from the prison by this stage, so his name should have been removed from the prison's computer system. (01:06:50)


Castor Troy: Lies, deceit, mixed messages... This is turning into a real marriage.

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Trivia: The prison that Pollux is in is called Erehwon which is "no where" backwards.

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Question: How could they possibly remove Archer's bullet scar? If they could, wouldn't that just create a bigger scar?


Chosen answer: Surgical scar removal is a real thing, usually involving skin grafts or lasers. Keloid scarring is a result of the body aggressively attempting to heal/repair itself after trauma or injury (in this case, the gunshot). With proper surgical techniques, the body isn't traumatized to the point that deep scarring occurs. Of course, just like with the face surgery, the movie exaggerates the results of the scar removal.


I thought he kept it.

He says he wanted to keep it at the beginning of the movie, but when he is about to have his face changed back at the end of the movie, he says he doesn't need it anymore.


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