Exit Wounds

Factual error: The horn on the LT's Range Rover is at the end of the signal lever not in the middle of the steering wheel as shown.

Factual error: It is highly unlikely that any car dealership would accept a bag full of money, just taking the customer's word for it that it contains £300,000, and let the car leave the showroom.


Continuity mistake: DMX changes from a sweat suit into a shiny crimson suit and leaves his apartment only to come back in the same sweat suit.

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Matt Montini: So what happened here?
Orin Boyd: Property vault was hit. Fifty kilos of heroin stolen.
Matt Montini: Shit, someone's having a big party tonight.

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Trivia: When SS is kidnapped in the black van, one of the thugs is thrown out the side door and is shown smashing into a parked car while hanging onto the door. It's an obvious stuntman of-course, but incredibly, its NOT a dummy.

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