Exit Wounds

Revealing mistake: In the shootout scene on the bridge, when the helicopter is being shot by Steven S., you can see that each time a bullet strikes the helicopter, it splinters, revealing it is in fact made of wood.

Revealing mistake: As they make their escape from the club, DMX and Anthony Anderson jump on a box to climb over a dumpster. DMX steps on it with no problems, AA crushes it and can't climb over. A closer look shows that DMX stepped on the right (a reinforced bit) and AA steps on the left. However, the box only collapses on the left, rather than evenly, giving away where the support is. (00:46:30)

Jon Sandys

Revealing mistake: In the scene where SS is directing traffic and he causes a huge traffic jam, the cars either have Ontario plates or no plates.

Continuity mistake: DMX changes from a sweat suit into a shiny crimson suit and leaves his apartment only to come back in the same sweat suit.

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Matt Montini: So what happened here?
Orin Boyd: Property vault was hit. Fifty kilos of heroin stolen.
Matt Montini: Shit, someone's having a big party tonight.

More quotes from Exit Wounds

Trivia: When SS is kidnapped in the black van, one of the thugs is thrown out the side door and is shown smashing into a parked car while hanging onto the door. It's an obvious stuntman of-course, but incredibly, its NOT a dummy.

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