Executive Decision

Revealing mistake: When the Oceanic 747 attempts to make its first landing, you can tell that the 'hole' on the side of the aircraft is simply painted on.

Revealing mistake: Because the hijacked plane is carrying deadly chemicals, the military officers at the Pentagon plan to takeoff urgently within 1 hour. Yet when they reach the airfield you can see palm trees and mountains in the background. If the meeting was in Washington DC, they'd need to takeoff from a nearby airfield. 1 hour is not enough time to get from Washington DC to any airfield with palm trees and mountains. This scene was probably filmed in California.

Revealing mistake: When the Oceanic 747 attempts to make its first landing, you can tell that the 'hole' on the side of the aircraft is simply painted on.

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Rat: I hope there's a good movie on this flight.

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Trivia: When the F-14s are ordered to shoot down flight 343, the radar intercept officer on the lead F-14 tells his pilot that he just received the order on the CRM-115. This is a reference to Dr. Strangelove. In that film, the B-52 crew receives their orders over the CRM-114.

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