Executive Decision

Other mistake: How come when they are on the Remora F-117x the pilot is the only one wearing an oxygen mask? The team only has headsets on but they're all in the same space - just before they dock, Kurt and Steven stand up and move forward straight into the cockpit area next to the pilot.

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Suggested correction: The plane is pressurized - Cahill has to equalize the pressure before entering the sleeve to access the 747. That would not preclude the pilot from wearing an oxygen mask in case pressurization is lost.

Factual error: Computerized maps throughout the movie show the plane heading due west past Spain and Portugal from Athens to Washington, D.C. Aircraft follow great circle route; although Athens and DC are similar in latitude, the shortest flight path is north over Scandinavia. No commercial air route between Athens and the East Coast fly over Spain.

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Nagi Hassan: Allah has chosen us for a task far greater than Jaffa's freedom. We are the true soldiers of Islam. Our destiny is to deliver the vengeance of Allah into the belly of the infidel.
Ahmed: This has nothing to do with Islam. This is not Allah's will. You're blinded by hatred.

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Trivia: When the F-14s are ordered to shoot down flight 343, the radar intercept officer on the lead F-14 tells his pilot that he just received the order on the CRM-115. This is a reference to Dr. Strangelove. In that film, the B-52 crew receives their orders over the CRM-114.

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