
The alien organisms become acclimatised to Earth's atmosphere and are spreading throughout the town. They are evolving rapidly to become smarter primates. It is revealed that fire is a catalyst for the growth of the alien organisms, and the Army is planning to use napalm against them which would be disastrous. Ira (David Duchovny) suddenly makes the brillant assumption that the aliens are weak against Selenium, and collects large amounts of Head & Shoulder's shampoo which contains Selenium. The Army bombs the aliens and suddenly, a large blob-like organism comes out of the cave which all the aliens originated from and crushes the Army. The heroes drive close to the Blob and pump in large amounts of shampoo. The Blob explodes. Everyone is happy.


Factual error: At the end of the film, when Duchovny and Jones are on the ladder truck shooting the head and shoulders, they are yelling "go go go". They slide down the ladder and the next shot is the fire truck speeding away. Movie elapsed time 5 seconds. It is a physical impossibility for a fully extended ladder to be lowered, retracted and bedded in a span of less than 4-7 minutes. Even if the hydraulic lines are cut, the ladder would remain upright and not collapse/retract. (01:32:59)

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Dr. Allison Reed: At this rate, they will take over Glen Canyon in three days. In a week, the rest of Arizona. Within two months, the United States will officially belong to them. And we are extinct.
Governor Lewis: Oh, you gotta be shittin' me.

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Trivia: In the scene where David And Orlando lead the class into the crater to see the meteor on the field trip if you pay attention to the background actors you can see a young John Cho. (Harold from Harold and Kumar).

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