Escape From New York

Plot hole: When Snake gets knocked out by the Duke he wakes up with twelve hours left but for some reason the guards watching Snake makes him sit where he wakes up until he's got only two hours left.


Plot hole: When Snake, Brain, Maggie, and the President get to the car at the WTC, Snake opens the hood when the car is dead, and somehow he is out in the open when the Duke is about to shoot. First, how would he get there with a crossbow trained on him, and second, how did Maggie pass the revolver to him, when he hands it to her to open the hood of the car? (01:21:05 - 01:21:50)

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Suggested correction: When the hood is opened Maggie can be seen immediately putting the revolver behind her back. Being stood very close to Snake it's assumed it was passed to him offscreen. With the crossbow trained on Snake the Duke monologues directly to Snake allowing him to step a foot or so away from the car to look like he's listening and going to accept his capture but ultimately it was to have a shot at the steam engine and create a distraction. Maggie took out the crossbow guy by slamming the hood on him.

Continuity mistake: When Snake kills the wrestler, he does so by jamming the nails of his spiked bat into the back of his skull. Snake releases the bat, which stays stuck to the wrestler's head. The next shot, the bat is now missing as the wrestler falls forward against the net, dropping his own bat to the floor. But Snake's bat is nowhere to be seen. Then a few moments later after Snake activates the tracer, the bat is shown on the back of the wrestler's head as he is slumped over the net, which Snake knocks off. Yet the wrestler's own bat is no longer seen, which was by his feet before. (01:16:55)

Quantom X

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Brain: I swear to God, Snake, I thought you were dead.
Snake Plissken: Yeah. You and everybody else.

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Trivia: In the scene where the helicopters come in and they retrieve the President's briefcase containing a message, one of the people in the chopper points down and says "People down in the park. Can you see them?" That guy is the film's director, John Carpenter. (01:07:35)

Quantom X

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Question: Since Snake knew that X-rays would neutralize the pellets in his neck, couldn't he have asked brain about medical facilities within New York so he can neutralize them himself?

William Bergquist

Chosen answer: Yes, but A. finding a working one is very unlikely, B. it would need a power source, also very difficult, C. Snake had no way of knowing if x-rays of a different frequency would work or set them off, and D. if he does disarm them, it's already been proven that New York is escape proof, so where would he go?

Grumpy Scot

Answer: To be honest, why not extend this question further? The doctor explains to Snake that X-rays will neutralise the cores 15 minutes before they go off. Snake could fly the Gullfire to Canada and he would have about 20 hours to find a place (such as a hospital) that would have an X-ray machine. The frequency range of X-rays is so small that you could easily change frequencies within the 15 minutes. Additionally, we all believe what Halk says. Perhaps it was all a con to get Snake to help him (like the Plutoxin virus).

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