Escape From New York

New York is an island prison where criminals run free and are cut off from civilisation. Air Force One however is flying overhead when the pilot loses control, and the President is lost in Manhatten while he is carrying the launch codes for the U.S.A's missile defense system. The goverment has no choice but to send in Snake Plissken: A former Green Berret on his way to serve a life sentence in jail, to rescue the president


Continuity mistake: When Snake kills the wrestler, he does so by jamming the nails of his spiked bat into the back of his skull. Snake releases the bat, which stays stuck to the wrestler's head. The next shot, the bat is now missing as the wrestler falls forward against the net, dropping his own bat to the floor. But Snake's bat is nowhere to be seen. Then a few moments later after Snake activates the tracer, the bat is shown on the back of the wrestler's head as he is slumped over the net, which Snake knocks off. Yet the wrestler's own bat is no longer seen, which was by his feet before. (01:16:55)

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Brain: I swear to God, Snake, I thought you were dead.
Snake Plissken: Yeah. You and everybody else.

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Trivia: At one point when the film crew was filming in Atlanta, the camera dolly broke down. So they put the camera on a baby carriage and used that to continue filming.

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Chosen answer: During a mission known as the "Leningrad Ruse." He and his flight squadron were sent unknowingly on a suicide mission. During it, his goggles cracked and let in a poisonous gas, paralyzing his iris. He has to wear the patch because his eye can't focus against bright light, causing pain. This is mentioned in the novelization.


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