Mean Girls

Question: Why does the principal (Mr. Duvall I believe) have a cast on his right hand? I don't recall seeing him fracture or injure it. Was there something I might have missed?

Answer: He has carpal tunnel syndrome. He mentions it when he's talking to Tina Fey after she gets coffee spilled on her and she talks about how she got a divorce.

Answer: The real-life reason for this is that the actor broke his hand before filming started, so they wrote it in as a "carpal tunnel" condition that the character had.

Question: When the four girls are at the mall and they see Jason with the girl by the fountain, Regina asks for Gretchen's phone and calls the mother of the girl with Jason. How on earth could Regina have known the phone number?

Answer: Regina said into her phone, "Wedell on South Boulevard." She said that right after dialing 411, which connects you to anyone. She didn't know Taylor's mother's phone number; she used connect call.

Answer: As soon as Regina gets the phone, she dials 411 and they connect her to the girl's mother. It is right before Regina talks to the mother that this is blatantly stated.


Question: The theme at the end of the movie sounds so familiar, but I cant seem to remember where its from. Can anyone refresh me?

Answer: The song is "dancing with myself" by Billy Idol. For the movie, the girl band The Donnas are singing it.

Question: During the counseling session, the girl in the wheelchair tells another girl, "You're fat because I hate you." What does she mean?

Answer: Jessica (the girl in the wheelchair) was saying she didn't hate Laura for being fat, but that being hated by Jessica is what caused led Laura to overeat or, in some way, get fat. Sometimes, people with low self-esteem or stress binge eat to feel better and engage in other poor lifestyle choices that lead to obesity.


Question: When Cady gives the kalteen bars to Regina, she says that there's an ingredient that is not legal in the US yet. Right after she says that, Regina suggests some ingredients. Does anyone actually know what the ingredients are, or are they just made up?

Answer: The name Kalteen bars was made up for the film, but the ingredients Regina suggests are real: phentermine and ephedrine I think.

Question: When Cady asked a teacher for the "lavatory pass", he laughed at her and told her to sit down. So, when and where was a student supposed to get a pass?

Answer: At my high school, a teacher was only required to let you go if the office had a doctor's note on file, saying that you must be allowed to use the bathroom. A "lavatory pass" could be a version of such a note. Plus, as Brian Katcher wrote, some teachers are strict and want to be difficult.

Answer: Some teachers don't give passes during lectures or instruction time. Some think kids should go between classes so as not to waste time, and some are just cruel.

Brian Katcher

Question: Janis says, "Of course, all the Plastics are in the same gym class." All of them are in junior year (correct me if I'm wrong), so is there some reason why they shouldn't be the same class?

Answer: There's a difference between class and grade level. Typically in high school, a gym class (i.e. P.E.) is offered almost every class period for each P.E. teacher. Say a school has 4 P.E. teachers and there are 6 class periods in a day, that's probably about 14-16 classes for the students in the school to be a part of. So for all the "plastics" to be in the same class means they would have had to plan it that way.


Another possibility, along with Bishop73's answer: At my high school, we were supposed to take one gym/P.E. class before graduating. If this school is the same way, then the Plastics might have purposely taken their gym class in the same year. Another sign of how "exclusive" their trio is, and how much Gretchen and Karen follow Regina's lead.

Question: Why did Regina and Gretchen do a "three-way calling attack" on Cady? Regina says, "See, Gretch, I told you she's not mad at you!" I think Gretchen would worry more about what Regina thinks, not Cady. Otherwise, she never would have told Regina about Cady being interested in Aaron.

Answer: I don't think Gretchen was actually worried about Cady being mad at her. They did the calling attack to find out what Cady would say if she didn't know that Gretchen was listening. It's part of the manipulation and games.

Question: After Cady claims to have written the Burn Book, Ms. Norbury doesn't believe that she wrote the whole thing alone. Why does Cady refuse to "talk about people behind their backs"? The other Plastics really did write it, and reporting them to a teacher is different than gossiping.

Answer: I think Cady was trying to end all of the catty behavior and bullying. If she told Ms. Norbury that the other Plastics wrote parts of the book, the "drama" would continue.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Cady is chasing Damien's car and talking to Janis, when Janis says 'he still doesn't want you' two extras in dark clothing walk up a pathway behind Cady. However when the shot cuts back to her, they have totally vanished. Even though they were wearing dark clothing, you'd still be able to have seen them, and there was not enough time between the different shots for them to have walked into the house.

Liam D

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Gretchen: That is so fetch!
Regina: Gretchen, stop trying to make fetch happen! It's not going to happen!

More quotes from Mean Girls

Trivia: Tim Meadows, who plays Mr. Duvall, broke his wrist a week before filming started and had to wear a cast. They explained this away in the movie by saying that Mr. Duvall had carpal tunnel syndrome.

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