Enter the Dragon

Enter the Dragon (1973)

43 mistakes

(3 votes)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce Lee and Han first jump up at one another, Han slashes Lee across the stomach with his 4-knife hand, but Lee only has 3 blood scars across his abs for the rest of the film.

Other mistake: When Williams fights Han's guards in the office, at one point he kicks a guard back towards a window, the guard stumbles and then for no reason just dives backwards out the window. A bit over dramatic.

Jack Vaughan

Factual error: When Han is fighting Williams, Williams throws a side kick to Han. Then he lifts up his hand to block - supposedly a metal hand - but his hand does not move one bit. It is not possible, due to that kind of force, for a hand to not move. Even if a hand is metal, the elbow will pivot. As well as the fact that after the kick, you see Williams' face is in pain. This is not possible as he is wearing soled shoes and kicking side on.


Han: Gentlemen, welcome. You honor our island. I look forward to a tournament of truly epic proportions. We are unique, gentlemen, in that we create ourselves... through long years of rigorous training, sacrifice, denial, pain. We forge our bodies in the fire of our will. But tonight, let us celebrate. Gentlemen, you have our gratitude.

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Trivia: In the dungeon scene where Bruce Lee battles some of the guards in front of jail cells packed with prisoners, he snatches one of the guards by the hair and snaps his neck. The poor guard was a then 18 year old Jackie Chan. He was also one of Han's thugs in the light blue kung fu outfit chasing Bruce Lee's sister.

More trivia for Enter the Dragon

Question: Did Bruce Lee manage to film all his scenes before he died?

Answer: Yes, he filmed all of his scenes before he died. He died on July 20, 1973 - only six days before the film debuted in Hong Kong, and only a month before the film's US debut.


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