Enter the Dragon

Factual error: During the flashback explaining what happened to Su Lin she has an ugly bruise on her face less than a minute after being hit. Bruises usually take at least a few hours to develop like that.

Factual error: When Han is fighting Williams, Williams throws a side kick to Han. Then he lifts up his hand to block - supposedly a metal hand - but his hand does not move one bit. It is not possible, due to that kind of force, for a hand to not move. Even if a hand is metal, the elbow will pivot. As well as the fact that after the kick, you see Williams' face is in pain. This is not possible as he is wearing soled shoes and kicking side on.


Continuity mistake: During the fight scene with Oharra, Bruce Lee was actually cut quite badly on the hand. In later scenes in the film he can actually be seen with a bandage round the injured hand.

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Han: The battle with the guards was magnificent. Your skill is extraordinary. And I was going to ask you to join us.

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More trivia for Enter the Dragon

Question: Did Bruce Lee manage to film all his scenes before he died?

Answer: Yes, he filmed all of his scenes before he died. He died on July 20, 1973 - only six days before the film debuted in Hong Kong, and only a month before the film's US debut.


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