Man on Fire

John Creasy (Washington) kills many members of the corrupt organisation 'La Hermandad' who were responsible for kidnapping Pita Ramos (Fanning) and ruining the ransom exchange. Samuel Ramos (Anthony) agreed to the kidnapping, as his lawyer Jordan Kalfus (Rourke) promised him they would get the insurance money to settle the debt that his father left him. As a result of the botched exchange, Samuel kills Jordan, and then kills himself because of the guilt of the death of his daughter. After taking The Voice's brother hostage, Creasy finds out that Pita is still alive, and makes another deal. As no ransom could be paid, Creasy exchanges the brother and himself for Pita. The Voice agrees and the exchange takes place. Already wounded, Creasy meets Pita on a bridge where he tells her that he loves her, and she then runs back to her mother, where they drive away. Creasy dies on the drive back before he can meet The Voice. Miguel Manzano (Giannini) kills The Voice during the course of arrest.

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Continuity mistake: When Creasy is in the car with Jorge Gonzales, Gonzales' can be seen with his sunglasses on when they were not on immediately prior.

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Creasy: Okay, my friend. It's off to the next life for you. I guarantee you, you won't be lonely.

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Trivia: In the original ending Creasy is taken to "The Voice" for search and interrogation. After some interesting dialogue, a watch among Creasy's personal effects begins to beep and there is a huge explosion. Sharp eyed viewers will remember this ending was set up during the suppository bomb scene under the bridge where Creasy showed an unused charger, pager, watch, and detonator to the victim. The producers thought that this alternate ending screened as too improbable and closed the plot too neatly.

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Question: Why does Creasy almost kill himself in the beginning of the movie? How does Creasy die at the end of the movie?

Answer: Creasy was a contract assassin for the CIA. His downfall was his drinking because it affected his reaction time and so forth. He had a lot of bad memories he was trying to live with. He considered this bodyguard assignment to be a blow off assignment. This and his bad memories combined with his drinking problem, made him severely depressed. This is why he considered killing himself. At the end of the movie, you see Creasy being taken away in a car. His gunshot wound from the "Voice's" brother, along with his prior gunshot wounds that were never properly treated, had finally gotten the best of him. He was bleeding the whole last half of the movie because he never fully recovered from the gunshot wounds. So, to answer the question of why he died, he bled to death.

Answer: He wanted to kill himself because of his past. Hence- "will God ever forgive us for what we have done?" His friend answered "no"

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