Alien Resurrection
Alien Resurrection mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Hillard throws the basketball at Ripley, you can clearly see the white tape on Ripley's hand which was used to catch the ball. (00:23:10)

Revealing mistake: In the underwater scene, Johner fires a grenade launcher at two of the aliens that are following him. Watch closely and you'll see the grenade pass through one of the aliens' head for a few frames without damaging it before exploding. Slow-mo might be helpful to spot it but isn't vital. It's perfectly visible at normal speed.


Revealing mistake: During the brief firefight in the mess hall, Distephano is disarmed and drops to the floor. After the firefight, he surrenders and stands up with his hands behind his head. The same shot of him standing up is reused in the security footage Gediman watches from the control room seconds later. (00:39:05)


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Suggested correction: There could be a delay of several seconds in the footage, its probably a really outdated security system.


Alien Resurrection mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Hillard throws the basketball at Ripley, you can clearly see the white tape on Ripley's hand which was used to catch the ball. (00:23:10)

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Call: I can't believe you did that.
Ripley 8: Did what?
Call: You killed it. It was like killing one of your own kind.
Ripley 8: It was in my way.

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Trivia: Sigourney Weaver actually makes the basketball shot. Even though the ball is out of shot for a second, she made the shot with no assistance. The shot cuts quickly because Ron Perlman dropped character in celebration, which can be seen in deleted scenes online.

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Question: If Ripley was operated on and an alien removed a few days ago, how come they have a fully grown queen who is laying eggs, 8 to be precise as there are 8 people who have been ingested and turned into aliens? But later, when most of the crew have ejected successfully or been killed when a hand grenade was thrown into their escape pod along with an alien, one of the scientists says there are 12 more? How can that be?


Chosen answer: Well firstly the queen was probably genetically engineered, like Ripley herself. A few days might be all the time they need to have a fully grown queen created. Secondly the 8 incubated victims were only the latest batch, they had been incubating people with xenomorphs for quite a time I suspect.


With regards to the quick growth of the alien queen, it is standard for the xenomorph in nearly every film they appear (Aliens is the only exception, the only chestburster shown in the film is quickly killed by Apone) to grow to full size in around one day. Presumably the same is true for the queen.


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