Dude, Where's My Car?

Audio problem: When the duo enter the Kitty Kat Club, a dancer shouts ''Look everyone. It's Mr. Jesse and Mr. Chester.'' It sounds like she is talking from a loudspeaker, when in fact, she is just talking.

Other mistake: When Chester is taking Jacko's pipe, Nelson gets up out of his seat. When they show Jacko really really mad, you can look in the background and Nelson is sitting down. When they show him again he is out of his seat.

More mistakes in Dude, Where's My Car?

Mr. Pizzacoli: A trained dolphin could deliver pizzas better than you two!
Jesse: But then the pizzas would get all wet.

More quotes from Dude, Where's My Car?

Trivia: After changing into the bubble wrap outfits or "interstellar jumpsuits," an alarm goes off. Jesse turns and hits Chester in the eye accidentally, and you see him fall if you watch closely.

More trivia for Dude, Where's My Car?

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