Dr. Strangelove

Plot hole: Turgidson's 'secretary' listens to the incoming telephone messages for only a second or two, and relays a much longer message than she could have heard during that time.

Plot hole: The attack on Burpelson should have started at night. Using time cues like Turgidson's secretary stating the message was "about 8 minutes ago" and "it's three o'clock in the morning" (the clock says 3:15) Mandrake sent the go code approx 2:06am (CST). Later in the war room Turgidson states the code was sent "about 35 minutes ago". Ten minutes later the president orders General Faceman to assault the base. This order would have gone to Alvarado approx 2:51am, about 30 minutes to load troops and drive seven miles and they should have reached the base perimeter by 3:20am (with headlights).

Other mistake: The title sequence reads, "Base on the novel Red Alert" instead of "Based on the novel Red Alert" (00:02:20)

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Major T. J."King" Kong: Well, boys, we got three engines out, we got more holes in us than a horse trader's mule, the radio is gone and we're leaking fuel and if we was flying any lower why we'd need sleigh bells on this thing... But we got one little budge on them Rooskies. At this height why they might harpoon us but they dang sure ain't gonna spot us on no radar screen!

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Trivia: "Dr. Strangelove's" release in the United States was delayed due to the assassination of President Kennedy. The movie reflects this in an unusual and nearly undetectable dub job. After going over the contents of the survival kits on board the B-52, Major Kong is heard to say "A fella could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff." "Vegas" was dubbed in for "Dallas", which Major Kong actually says, after the assassination.

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Question: Was there any significance besides comedy to the very last scene of the movie where Dr. Strangelove stands and proclaims "Mein Fuhrer. I Can Walk." It was pretty funny as is, but I wondered if there was some sort of allusion or other intention to that line.

Answer: Peter Sellers improvised it. During that scene if you watch the actor playing the Russian character you can see him trying not to laugh at Seller's performance.

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