Deuce Bigalow

Factual error: After Deuce gives up man whoring and goes back to fixing fish tanks we see him fixing a lobster tank in a seafood restaurant. While he is fixing the tank a waiter removes a lobster from the tank. The lobster is bright red. Lobsters only turn bright red when they have been cooked. Since Deuce is working on a tank for live lobsters the lobster removed from the tank should have been brown, not red.

Continuity mistake: The first time Deuce goes to the pet store after being fired from the aquarium, he asks for sea snails from the bottom. She is wearing a white T-shirt with black jeans, clearly seen before, and during the act of sea snailing. The third time, at the end, she is clearly wearing a polka-dotted skirt. Fair enough, yet when they show her dipping in the aquarium again, you see that it is the same shot as before - she has her black pants on again.

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Deuce Bigalow: Wow! What are those?
Antoine Laconte: Medieval weapons. I'm a collector. They're worth twice as much if they've killed somebody.
Deuce Bigalow: I collect Canadian quarters. I've got about six of 'em.

More quotes from Deuce Bigalow

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