Detroit Rock City

Revealing mistake: When all four of the guys are driving the Volvo through Detroit, if you watch real close, sometimes you can see 1980's and 90's vehicles parked on the side of the roads. Especially when they show a long shot with an older mustang following them, there is what looks like (it's hard to tell) a newer Buick or Chrysler (like the 300m) on the left side of the screen.

Revealing mistake: When Jam answers the telephone he falls, and when the telephone falls too there's no cord in it.

Continuity mistake: When Hawk is drinking the Bourbon on the rocks, the lemon wedge disappears when he spits out, and re-appears after the scene when the lady giggles.

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Hawk: So, you grounded because of what happened last night, or what, man?
Jam: No, yeah. But, uhh, has that ever stopped me before?

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More trivia for Detroit Rock City

Question: What is the riff played in the scene where the guys are about to attack the Stella's brother beside the road (e.g. one of them takes off his belt and Jam takes out his drumsticks)?

Answer: It is the intro to Black Sabbath's "Iron Man".


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