
Audio problem: When Jafar is coming out of his hiding place to talk to Jasmine, he opens the sliding wall only about a foot. When he shuts it again, you can hear it sliding shut for a very long time!

Audio problem: When the street vendor throws his coffee maker on the ground, the sound of it hitting the ground is heard while it is still in the air.

Audio problem: During the song "Prince Ali" when Genie sings "then come and meet his spectacular corterie" his lips don't move.

Audio problem: When Aladdin is freed by Abu, Abu throws the heavy padlock in the air. The ground of the prison is made of stone, so why don't we hear the sound of the padlock hitting the ground?

Aladdin mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jafar is holding the Sultan and Jasmine captive, Jasmine is wearing a gold band round one arm. As Jafar pushes her to the floor, it has switched to the other.

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Genie: Oy! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck.

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Trivia: When Rajah transforms, if you watch it frame by frame, his head bears a striking resemblance to Mickey's head. There is a long-standing tradition for Disney to put 'hidden Mickeys' in their movies.

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Question: Two Questions about the Cave of Wonders: 1) The Cave states that only Aladdin can enter, but Abu enters the cave as well. That suggests that Aladdin is just the only human welcomed into the cave while the rule does not apply to animals. Why doesn't Jafar send Iago into the cave to retrieve the lamp for him? 2) The Cave also warns Aladdin not to touch any treasure besides the lamp, because if he does the cave will erupt and collapse on him. The cave is also where Aladdin and Abu meet the Magic Carpet. Clearly, they touch the carpet. Why doesn't the cave erupt and collapse when Aladdin and Abu touch the carpet?

John Ohman

Chosen answer: The cave has some level of sentience. It is aware of who is entering the cave, and decides whether to allow them to enter. It is able to tell that Abu is with Aladdin. It seems to keep a watchful eye on the person in the cave, and when it says "touch nothing" what it means is "don't try to take anything. It seems it was fine with them interacting with the carpet, and only had an issue when Abu was attempting to actually take something.

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