
Stupidity: When Jasmine finds out that Prince Ali is actually the boy she met in the marketplace, she seems to completely forget about Jafar telling her he had been executed. She never asks why he's alive, nor does she even bother to confront Jafar about his treachery.


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Suggested correction: The fact Aladdin was alive only told her Jafar lied about it. When she is brought back by Aladdin to the palace it is still night, not long after that she is confronted by her father and Jafar who has him under a spell. She hardly had time to ask about the treachery, probably thinking to do it in the morning. It is there and then Jafar is exposed by Aladdin. She probably wondered about it, but didn't figure out the implications yet.


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Suggested correction: This is simply not true, it's seen in only 2 shots and both the pelvic and the dorsal fin stay the same size, the fish is further away in the second shot and the pelvic fin changes position and looks a different size but they use the exact same drawing. Even so, the dorsal fin of a fish can change size even when dead and shaken about by the salesman. And the tail fin is only seen in 1 shot.


Aladdin mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Jafar is holding the Sultan and Jasmine captive, Jasmine is wearing a gold band round one arm. As Jafar pushes her to the floor, it has switched to the other.

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Genie: Oy! Ten thousand years will give you such a crick in the neck.

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Aladdin trivia picture

Trivia: When Rajah transforms, if you watch it frame by frame, his head bears a striking resemblance to Mickey's head. There is a long-standing tradition for Disney to put 'hidden Mickeys' in their movies.

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Question: What does Aladdin mean when he says: "Look at that Abu, it's not everyday you see a horse with two rear ends."?

Answer: Aladdin is referring to the person riding the horse as being a "horse's ass" in the way he is acting, thus the horse the person was riding on has two rear ends, his own and the rider.

Mark English

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