Deep Impact

Plot hole: The government would have no chance of hiding the existence of the comet for a year. Most comets are discovered when they are very faint, literally thousands of times fainter than Wolf-Beiderman when Leo found it. Long before the events in the film take place, probably even before the government itself would be notified, the comet would have been discovered, an orbit calculated, and people panicked. The whole premise of the first half of the movie is thus based on flawed logic.

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Suggested correction: Only 3-4% of the visible universe has been discovered. Meaning this comet could have been discovered much later.

Plot hole: The time and distance of the movie doesn't make sense. The comet was only 3.7 million miles away from Earth when the Messiah mission failed. That is about 1/10th the distance to Mars. They should have been able to put more contingency plans into place. Also, it took the Messiah 5 months to reach the comet which means it was only going 1,033 mph, which is very slow for spacecraft.

Deep Impact mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During a scene where the boss of the TV station is talking to his staff, when he finishes he takes off his glasses and starts to move off his chair. Yet in the next shot he gets off the chair still wearing his glasses. (00:07:30)

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President Beck: We always thought the deadline for public knowledge was the publication of next year's budget since we've spent more money than we can account for. That won't happen for two weeks. I don't suppose I could prevail upon you to wait two weeks in the name of national security?
Jenny Lerner: Two weeks? There's no such thing as two weeks in the news business.

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Trivia: If you happen to have the DVD version of the film, have a look at one of the trailers. In the movie trailer they show the comet hitting the ocean at an almost right-angle. In the actual movie the comet enters the atmosphere at an angle, thus letting the people watch the comet travel to across the sky into the ocean.

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Question: All of the residents of Eastern United States were informed by the president when the smaller of the two meteors were to strike in the Atlantic Ocean, yet, even with ample time to evacuate away from the area of impact, why did it appear the residents all chose to leave on the final day? (Clogged highways and chaos).

Answer: There is no logical reason. It can be argued that people are just stubborn and/or reluctant to leave their homes under any circumstance. However, this is a movie, and showing the last-minute chaos of people attempting to evacuate heightens the tension and the drama.


Answer: When the president announces the strikes, he says it will occur in 12 hours so they didn't have days to evacuate 100 million people, only hours.

The president tells people to leave with around 10 hours left before impact.


Answer: They were trying to send missiles, which failed. The president spoke and that's when people started to leave.

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