
Other mistake: When the stricken airliner is on final approach for landing, both pilots stare intently out the windscreen, never so much as glancing down at the flight instruments. In an instrument landing the pilot must look continuously at the instruments until the copilot reports that the runway is in sight, as that is the only way he can follow the controller's instructions.

Other mistake: When the strike aircraft is on approach, the pilots ask the tower for a Precision Radar Approach. The air traffic controller confirms it will be a PAR, not a PRA.

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Suggested correction: This has previously been commented on and corrected.

Other mistake: When the plane is cleared to descend from 6000 feet to 2000 feet at pilot's discretion, we see the plane going down into cloud. The nose wheel is already extended.


Other mistake: When they are trying to put together the character of the potential bomber, when he bought insurance, the woman who took his details said she remembered him because he didn't seem to have much money for someone going to Europe, but the bomber had told her he had changed all his US money for Lira, and when she persisted, he said the money was all in big bills, and he had left his cheque book at home - so he did have money.


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Suggested correction: He said he did, but we know he didn't,, and anxious as he was, he was a terrible liar. The insurance gal saw right through him. Clearly, no talent for either insurance fraud or mass murder.

You might also take into account that in those days 10,000 Italian Lira was worth a measly US$5.69, so having nothing but "big bills" - large denomination notes - would not have been difficult.

Factual error: When Joe Patroni is attempting to move the stuck 707, Bakersfeld is standing beside his car watching, very close to the plane. Without some form of hearing protection, he would have been very quickly deafened by the noise - a 707 at takeoff thrust is incredibly loud. I once watched a 707 take off from about a half mile away and forgot to cover my ears - it was so loud it actually hurt.

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Ada Quonsett: My late husband taught me to be thorough. He was a teacher of geometry. He always said: "You must consider every angle."
Tanya Livingston: My late husband was a lawyer, and he always said: "Watch out for sweet-looking innocent, little old ladies." I'm beginning to understand what he meant.

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More trivia for Airport

Question: Near the end of the film, the plane stuck on the ground is pressurised before it can move out of the way. Why is it pressurised if it's on the ground and not in the air?


Chosen answer: Patroni isn't referring to the cabin pressure, he says to "pressurize the manifold" - part of the engine start procedure of a Boeing 707, which I believe involves a ground crew pumping gas (nitrogen?) from a cart into the intake manifold.


Pressurize - as in the manifold, to turn on bleed air from the APU - on board Auxiliary Power Unit - a small jet engine that provides electrical and pneumatic air to operate aircraft systems including starting engines.

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