The Brave Little Toaster

Continuity mistake: In the beginning when the photo of the Master is broken, the pieces of glass change position and then disappear altogether.


Continuity mistake: The bite mark on the photo of the Master changes throughout the movie. Sometimes it's in the middle, sometimes it's nearer to the corner, sometimes it's not there at all.

Continuity mistake: When the song in the warehouse is about to play, the record player has no crack on it, but when the song starts, it has a large crack near the top.


Continuity mistake: When all the appliances are leaving their house for the first time, the doorknob is on the wrong side of the door and the door opens from the wrong side as well.

Black and White TV: A bargain in every buck! A buck in every pocket! A pocket in... um... every trouser! Ernie's Bargain Circus, where you ride the Ferris Wheel of Values for a better tomorrow.

More quotes from The Brave Little Toaster

Trivia: Take a moment and have a look at the pictures that the TV guy takes out of the filing cabinet.


More trivia for The Brave Little Toaster

Question: In the trivia section, it says, "Look at the pictures the TV guy takes out of the filing cabinet", but it doesn't say what's there. I don't have the video, could someone please fill me in?

Answer: It is referring to a moment during the song "Worthless" toward the end of the movie, right before the Red Car sings. The photos he takes out have pictures of what looks like some exotic dancers on them.


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