An Affair to Remember

An Affair to Remember (1957)

6 mistakes

(4 votes)

Other mistake: When Cary Grant came to visit Deborah Kerr, he laid his coat and hat in the chair. Later he remembered he had a gift from his grandmother for her. He did not have it when he came in. Someone had to put it under his coat.

Revealing mistake: An open water shot of the Constitution shows the wake from the camera boat.

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Suggested correction: He says "Hi, Terry", calling her by the right name.


Factual error: They stopped off at a European port after at least a few days after leaving, presumably, Southampton UK. Perhaps they embarked in Holland or Germany but that voyage to a French port would not have taken days on the open sea.

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Question: In the last scene a neighbor gets Terri settled on the couch and goes to leave. Why was there not a wheelchair or crutches available for Teri's use once the woman left?

Answer: As Terry is paralyzed, crutches would be useless. She would also be unable to get into a wheelchair by herself. The real reason is that this is a rather flimsy plot device. When Cary Grant arrives and sees Terrie on the couch, he is unaware of her condition. The whole point of the scene is that he is resentful and hurt because he mistakenly believed she rejected him six months earlier by not showing up at the Empire State Building. She hid her condition, not wanting his pity or for him to feel obligated to be with her. If a wheelchair was visible, he would have immediately known the truth, and that would have spoiled the way he finds out, his reaction to it, and the overly-sentimental ending.


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