Coyote Ugly

Continuity mistake: When Violet goes to talk to Lil for the first time to ask for a job, Lil asks to see her arms. Violet holds out both arms, and Lil takes Violet's right arm in both hands, commenting on her burn scar (you see a close-up). In the very next scene, Lil is holding both of Violet's arms, one in each hand. (00:21:45)

Continuity mistake: Early on, a man in the bar asks Violet for whiskey and water. As Violet starts to get the drink, Rachel is looking at the ceiling. It cuts to her for a line and she is facing forward. (00:27:50)


Continuity mistake: When Gloria is saying goodbye to Violet outside Violet's new apartment and they hug, Violet has her arm up around Gloria's head, but a second later the camera shows the pair of them from a different angle and their arm positions have changed. (00:08:20)

Continuity mistake: When Gloria is talking to Violet just after they have arrived in New York, when they are standing' outside the car, Violets hair is curly and a lot of it is flowing over the front of her shoulders. Whenever there is a shot from the back, her hair is not so curly and pushed behind her shoulders. It continues to do this throughout the scene.

Continuity mistake: When Violet is singing at the Bowery Ballroom, her position on the stage jumps from side to side between shots without her moving.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Violet first sings at Coyote Ugly, she in one shot, points at the crowd. Next shot, she does this again, in less than a second. Between shots she doesn't lift her hand or arm from its position, but simply points, then points again. (00:50:45)

Continuity mistake: When Violet is at William Morris dealing with the receptionist, she disconnects his phone line. For two shots, his hands are raised above his shoulders, but when it cuts to show both actors, his hands are in front of him on the desk. (00:15:30)


Continuity mistake: When Violet is singing at Coyote Ugly for the first time, she slides down the pole and back up, swinging her arm down and in front of her (away from the camera). Cut to her face and her arm is suddenly shoulder height on the pole. (00:50:35)


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Violet and Kevin are getting intimate, Violet starts taking Kevins jacket off. The jacket is only half way down but in the next shot his jacket is already off and she starts taking his shirt off.

Continuity mistake: In the scene right after Violet and Kevin have just made love and he gives her the guitar, you can see the guitar strap is twisted on her shoulder. Then the shot pulls back and the strap is lying flat. Next close-up shot and the strap is twisted again.


Continuity mistake: In the U-turn scene where Violet heads back to the Bowery Ballroom, Goodman gestures out the window with his fist, and then immediately, a shot from the tollbooth shows him just starting to gesture.


Continuity mistake: On Violet's first night at "Coyote Ugly," the girls are on the bar dancing to "The Devil Went Down To Georgia." Lil and Violet are behind the bar. Violet says to Lil "I can't do that dance." The scene then goes back to the girls on the bar and Lil is the only one behind the bar dancing. In the very next scene, Lil gives Violet her coat and some money. The scene went from Violet and Lil standing together, to Lil being the only one behind the bar, back to Violet and Lil standing together in three seconds. (00:28:30)

Continuity mistake: When Violet (Jersey) is singing at the dome palace the microphone is in her left hand first, then the camera changes angles and it's in her right and very quickly changes to her left again. (01:30:10)

Continuity mistake: When Piper leaves her apartment to go to the open mike and when she returns from the open mike, she's got two sets of her hair braided. However, at the open mike, her hair isn't braided. (00:15:55)

Continuity mistake: When Violet is meeting Cami, before she meets her, she goes to get her tape back from Kevin, and she's wearing a light purple shirt, and a jean jacket. But when she meets Cami (same day), she's wearing a dark purple shirt and no jean jacket. (00:31:00 - 00:32:05)

Continuity mistake: In the scene with the cardboard cutouts, one of them (I think it is Faith Hill) gets knocked over. Later, when Violet is playing the keyboard, it is standing up again. (00:56:50)

Continuity mistake: Violet drives through the toll booth on her way to sing her song. Then she says that she couldn't do it and made a big U turn. The toll booth wasn't that far behind her but it seemed like she drove a mile and a half before she reached it. (01:27:10)

More mistakes in Coyote Ugly

Rachel: Girl, you could be dancin' on the floor. I wanna see your bras.

More quotes from Coyote Ugly

Trivia: Co-star Melanie Lynskey stated that the behind the scenes of the film was hostile at times. When she was cast the costume designer made the snide comment "Nobody told me there would be girls like you," and the crew would try to change the way she looked with excessive makeup and shapewear clothes. She was also constantly told that she was "not beautiful" by the costume department. This affected her so much that to this day, Lynskey makes herself available to younger castmates for help or advice.


More trivia for Coyote Ugly

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