Coyote Ugly
Coyote Ugly mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the guy at the bar orders 8 shots and Cammy (the blonde) tosses up 8 shot glasses in a fancy manner, as you can see she throws them up into 2 rows of 4. But then in the next shot they're all just in one long row of eight. It would be impossible for her to arrange them that quickly - there is only about a second between the two shots. (00:27:40)

Coyote Ugly mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning "Pete" asks Violet for her autograph on a time card. She signs it and the "T" is not crossed, and when Pete puts it on the board it is crossed. Then at the end when Violet's dad buys it from Pete it is again not crossed. Also if you look at the "V" when she signs it and after Pete puts it up they are different. And lastly, when Violet signs her last name it is spaced but when Pete puts it up it is jumbled together. Her signature is different all around. (00:01:30 - 01:27:30)

Continuity mistake: Violet drives through the toll booth on her way to sing her song. Then she says that she couldn't do it and made a big U turn. The toll booth wasn't that far behind her but it seemed like she drove a mile and a half before she reached it. (01:27:10)

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Violet: Cammie, I think I just fell in love with you.
Cammie: Oh Violet, I'm not a lesbian. I played in the minors but never went pro.
Violet: That's not, what I meant.

More quotes from Coyote Ugly

Trivia: Michael Bay, a long-time collaborator of the film's producer Jerry Bruckheimer, makes a cameo as a photographer.

Jedd Jong

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