
Criminal profiler and psychologist Dr. Helen Hudson (Weaver) becomes entangled in the deadly mind game of a vicious copycat serial killer Peter Foley (McNamara). Due to the horrific attack Helen suffered in her past as an agoraphobic she is confined to her apartment. The killer uses this against her in his murderous attempts to become a famous serial killer. Detectives M.J. Monahan (Hunter) and Reuben Goetz (Mulroney) have the challenge of trying to capture the killer before he kills again and uses his chance to commit another atrocious murder.

Continuity mistake: In the last scene on the roof when Holly Hunter shoots the serial killer, he falls backwards. The gun is in his left hand and the path is next to his left hand. The camera then goes to the rear of Sigourney as she walks toward Holly. Only now the serial killer is on the other side of the path and the left hand holding the gun is no longer next to the path.

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Helen Hudson: He really wants us to think what he's doing is art.

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Answer: She lives to shoot the killer thereby saving Helen. She only plays dead. Or was knocked unconscious. After all she was shot more than once. The vest may have saved her life but it didn't stop her from being out of action for a time.


Answer: Yes, she survives.


Answer: She was shown with the vest on before going out that night. She said something like makes my wonder bra obsolete.

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