Peter Foley: Did you know, Helen, that more books have been written about Jack the Ripper than Abraham Lincoln? It's a sick world, isn't it, Helen?
M.J. Monahan: Nobody in this department has ever worked a serial case before.
Lt. Quinn: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. I have.
M.J. Monahan: The Zodiac, right?
Lt. Quinn: That's right.
M.J. Monahan: Did anyone ever catch the Zodiac, sir, or did he die of old age?
Daryll Lee Cullum: I'm death and life to you, doc... death and life.
Helen Hudson: He really wants us to think what he's doing is art.
Daryll Lee Cullum: Why don't you say a you and me have a little bit of fun?
Answer: She lives to shoot the killer thereby saving Helen. She only plays dead. Or was knocked unconscious. After all she was shot more than once. The vest may have saved her life but it didn't stop her from being out of action for a time.