Conan the Barbarian

Visible crew/equipment: After Conan is set free from slavery he finds a cave where he removes a sword. When he climbs out of the cave you'll notice someone's hands near his feet pushing up his shackles. (00:29:25)

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Conan's mother is killed, we see her using both hands to hold her sword toward Thulsa Doom and his men. The camera cuts to young Conan and he is holding her right hand. When the camera cuts back to her, she is holding the sword with both hands again.

Mark Bernhard

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Suggested correction: It's not an inmediate shot, there's plenty of time in between for her to change the grip.


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Thulsa Doom: Infidel Defilers. They shall all drown in lakes of blood.

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Trivia: Arnie actually had to modify his workout because he was unable to wield a broadsword properly.


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Question: When Conan is learning how to use a sword, why did the teacher slap Conan in the face and then kick the other student in the chest?

Answer: Like an Army Drill Sargent, he was berating them for not doing it better. Toughening them to become the best they could be.

Also, the other student laughs at Conan's punishment, so the teacher kicks him to teach him some humility.

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