Air Force One

Audio problem: When Ford and a terrorist are fighting in a side room, he knocks him out with the stool. He clearly grabs the stool by the metal legs, hitting him with the black cushion part and yet a metallic 'clang' can be heard. Even a metal bar against your head wouldn't make that noise.

Audio problem: The same "Ahh Jesus!" shout is heard from two different people when Air Force One tries to land at Ramstein, once by one of the hostages and once by one of the air traffic controllers.


Plot hole: At the start when the guys are infiltrating that building they parachute down to the roof. They are dressed in black so they can't be seen, but their parachutes are white. (00:02:50)

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Trivia: A little aside - when the terrorists first strike, in amongst the confusion you can hear someone shout "get the football!" The "football" is the name used for the case which contains the nuclear launch codes, but this is never explained. It's not a major thing, but interesting to note that they included it as a little detail. Good to know a childhood spent reading Tom Clancy books wasn't wasted...

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Question: Why didn't the rescue guy from the boarding plane bring spare parachutes across?

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