Air Force One

Air Force One (1997)


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Continuity mistake: In the scene where the President is being escorted to the escape pod, there is an extra shot where the President is hiding on his own around the corner from a terrorist, who is sneaking around in the background looking for him. In both the preceding and following shots, the President is being physically escorted by two Secret Service men who are pulling him along and forcefully holding his head down. This shot is wrongly inserted into this portion of the scene and needs to be later in the film, when the President is trying to escape. (00:23:40)

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Suggested correction: This mistake does not occur in the film.

It is a fragment of the scene when the man is checking downstairs when the whole plane is to be re-checked.

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Trivia: One of the secretaries tells the president she can send a fax to the White House, and he replies something like: "If this works, I'll make you Postmaster General". In the closing credits, she's credited as "Future Postmaster General".

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Question: Why didn't the rescue guy from the boarding plane bring spare parachutes across?

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