
Other mistake: In the scene where Stallone is at the shooting range, after he leaves the morgue, when he pulls out his gun, you can see a target's reflection in a glass pane in front of Stallone. He points the gun at the target and shoots, but the glass is in the way.

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Suggested correction: There's no glass in front of him. The glass you're referring to is part of the partitions on the sides. You can see the first one when he and Gonzales walk in and Gonzales is asking what they can do. The reflection is in the 2nd partition that is to Cobra's left. The camera angle just makes it look like it could be in front of him.


Continuity mistake: In the scene where Cobra pulls his gun out and sets it on the table, he opens the pizza box, eats a piece, then pulls his gun out again to clean it.

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Trivia: Stallone had 20 minutes of the movie cut so theaters could add an extra showing, hoping the movie would beat Top Gun. It didn't happen.

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