
Revealing mistake: As the thug shoots up the store, he hits a grocery cart. As it flies up, the pole used in the pneumatic device to launch it is visible.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: As the bad guys' Ford pickup flips end over end, the device making it flip is briefly visible. Also, the "bad guys" still in the truck turn out to be dummies.


Revealing mistake: During the big car chase (in the 1950 Mercury Monterrey), Cobretti throws the toggle switch for a nitrous boost, and the speedometer immediately leaps to well over 100 mph. However, all the exterior shots show that the cars are barely going 35 or 40 mph, in traffic.

Charles Austin Miller

Cobra mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Cobretti is talking with the Hispanic guy for the first time (after parking his car) he rips off his shirt revealing a black wire attached to his chest using duct tape. (00:13:30)

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Trivia: Stallone had 20 minutes of the movie cut so theaters could add an extra showing, hoping the movie would beat Top Gun. It didn't happen.

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