
Continuity mistake: When Cher, her father, and Josh are sitting at the table eating dinner, Cher can be seen holding an asparagus. She takes one bite of it, then when the camera zooms in on her it is suddenly a lot smaller than when she was holding it in the last shot.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Josh and Cher talk on the stairs, the shot changes to a close-up and they have moved from their previous positions. They are slightly closer together, and their legs are positioned differently.


Continuity mistake: When Murray parks the car in front of the Valley party house, the car blocks the stairs, but next shot when they get out of the car it's much farther up.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: Amber's hair length changes throughout the movie. For example, when they are in gym class her hair is long but in the scene where Cher and Christian first meet her hair is short. This happens throughout the whole movie.

Continuity mistake: When Cher and Josh are sitting on the couch talking, she puts several clips in her hair. When shown from the front, they are in one position, and when shown from the side, they're in another.

Continuity mistake: After coming home from the party, Josh and Cher are talking while watching Ren and Stimpy. Cher's combing her hair and picks up a clip beside her, to her left. Before she has a chance to put that clip in her hair, when she picks up the phone that clip is already in her hair.

Continuity mistake: When Cher is laying on the bed watching a movie with Christian, he gets up. He is lying with his face down, but in the next shot he's lying on his back right before getting up and walking towards the door.

Continuity mistake: At the valley party, after Travis tries to see how Tai is while she's laid out on the counter, Cher pushes him all the way out of the kitchen so that his entire body is in the doorframe. In the next shot, he is several steps back into the kitchen as he turns to go back into the other room.


Continuity mistake: When Cher's driving instructor tells her she failed her test, the instructor is sitting next to her, then we see a brief shot of Cher crying, then we see the instructor out of the car and at the front of it. The camera wasn't off him long enough for him to get out of the car and walk that far, and we didn't hear a door opening or closing.


Other mistake: When Josh and Cher are driving home from a party, they show a shot of the car. It's a blue sports car that passes a Hertz car rental sign. When Elton is driving Cher home from the party in the Valley, they show the exact same shot of the blue sports car passing the Hertz car rental sign.

More mistakes in Clueless

Dionne: Hello? There was a stop sign.
Cher: I totally paused.

More quotes from Clueless

Trivia: Clueless is a direct retelling of Jane Austen's novel, Emma. Just a bit of trivia for Austenites.

More trivia for Clueless

Question: Cher claims her jeep has dual side airbags. That seems ridiculous for an open top vehicle. Does that model really come with side airbags, or was that supposed to be a 'clueless' comment?


Chosen answer: When she says "dual side", Cher is referring to the driver side and passenger side airbags (which are installed in the dashboard in front of each seat), not airbags on the side of the Jeep (aka in the doors).


The model year of the jeep in Clueless doesn't have even have driver or passenger airbags. The jeep in Clueless is at best a 1995 and Jeep didn't put airbags in until 1997.

More questions & answers from Clueless

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