A Clockwork Orange

After trying to committ suicide from the old man's house he is at the hospital then is made to be a victim in the press because the treatment was cruel . At the end of the film he is "cured". In the book there was an extra chapter not included in the film because the amercian publication of the book didn't include it. It was cut because Amercian publishers didn't like how Alex was "cured" by coming of age (turning 21).

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Chief Guard Barnes: Violence makes violence.

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Question: Why did Alex's droogs turn against him? Did they plan to turn against him all along or was it a spur of the moment thing when the police came?


Chosen answer: The droogs didn't like how Alex was leading them, so he attacked them. It's never explained whether the plan was to set him up all along, but given that Din was ready with the bottle to smash him over the head, it seems like an opportunity to be rid of him came up and they took it.

Captain Defenestrator

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