
Cliffhanger (1993)

36 mistakes

(11 votes)

Other mistake: When the two goofy base jumpers are seen camping out in their tent, they have a large lantern and a big cooler underneath the lantern. These items are quite bulky and fairly heavy, hardly the kind of stuff that extreme base jumpers would carry around in their packs. In fact, that stuff would be really hard to fit into their packs at all.

Eric Siegel

Continuity mistake: When Sly is attacked in one scene, he dives into a frozen river, only to reappear downstream, with a dry sweater and dry, coiffed hair, but switch to another scene and he's soaked, and yet in another scene he is dry again, repeatedly.


Continuity mistake: When Hal is on top of the mountain with the English bad guy and the guy with the tracker, the guy with the tracker tells the English bad guy to get rid of him quietly. 30 seconds later the same bad guy looks up and sees the English guy falling down the cliff having being killed by Hal. The bad guy has climbed down about 5000 feet in 30 seconds.

Other mistake: In the beginning when Sylvester loses grip of the woman's hand, she falls to her death. Immediately after that they show the reaction of the helicopter pilot...and he's laughing.

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Suggested correction: He's grimacing and shaking his head "no", not laughing.

Oh no... He's definitely smiling and laughing. It's unmistakable.

Other mistake: As Gabe (Sylvester Stallone) is being chased, he is seen stumbling and falling off several snowy terraces and hillsides. At one point, Gabe falls about ten feet, lands on a snowbed, and the entire snowbed literally "bounces" like a white, rubber pad.

Revealing mistake: When every bullet hits the snow it sparks, showing the pyrotechnics of the shots.

Revealing mistake: The explosion happens and Gabe and Jessie seek shelter in a small cave. Before the rocks start falling, Gabe bumps the wall of the cave and creates a hole in the set. This is noticeable on the left side of the screen.


Continuity mistake: Travers and the other guy are chasing after the sky diver. In one shot where they almost catch him Travers noticeably falls head first before the scene cuts. He's then seen standing up like it didn't happen.


Continuity mistake: During the shootout with the bad guy with the night vision goggles, his point of view is seen several times. When he is chasing Sylvester he is always moving in the night vision scenes but is stationary in the regular scenes.


Continuity mistake: In the last scene, when Gabe and the English guy are fighting on the red helicopter, notice that the number 3 disappears from the side of the chopper. The chopper is also a different shade of red.


Other mistake: When Walker shoots Travers on the ice, too much blood comes out on him in just one second.


Continuity mistake: When the Lockheed Jetstar is flying, it has an antenna with only one vertical tip that looks like a shark fin. Once the plane is on the ground you can see that the antenna is different and has two horizontal tips, similar to those antennas seen on limos or on the 'Fokker F-27' / F-28 models.

Qualen: You want to kill me, don't you, Tucker? Well, get a number and get in line.

More quotes from Cliffhanger

Trivia: The stunt early on in the film where Eric Qualen and his team do the plane to plane transfer was performed by British stuntman Simon Crane. The stunt was performed at an altitude of 2.95 miles (4.75 km) and was the most expensive stunt ever performed costing £568,000(£1 million). Sly Stallone is said to have reduced his fee by that amount to ensure the stunt was made.

More trivia for Cliffhanger

Question: What was Hal's plan in the beginning? He wanted to send an harness to his girlfriend who was hanging in midair, so his girlfriend has the strength to lift herself and tie herself from that position. She was dangling in midair.

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