Child's Play 2
Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When in her office, Grace grabs Chucky, then Chucky stabs her twice. After he stabs her, in one shot she stumbles back, and as she does you can clearly see the head of a crewmember behind her! (00:58:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Kettlewell is about to check the children's homework sheets, she puts her glasses on. Then when she discovers the profanity written on Andy's work, you can see her glasses hanging down by her chest. They're back on in the next shot. (00:33:35)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy approaches Chucky posing as Tommy, near the foot of the stairs, the doll's freckles are faded in some shots, and more prominent in others. (00:25:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Andy goes into the closet and he knocks the skateboard, and Chucky falls down, you can see a wire attached behind the skateboard so it doesn't fall down on the actor. (00:13:55)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Throughout the classroom scene, there is a row of desks which are right by the wall, which keep either disappearing or moving. (00:34:40)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the school cloakroom above the coats, is a shelf of dodgeballs, footballs and basketballs. Look at the arrangement of the balls when Miss Kettlewell enters the cloakroom. When Miss Kettlewell is stabbed, and crashes into the desks, you can see in the cloakroom that the arrangement has totally changed and additional items have appeared. (00:36:25 - 00:37:05)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Grace falls to the floor dead, photocopies fall over her body and face. But when Kyle opens the door and sees her, there are no sheets of paper on her face anymore, just two sheets on her body. (00:59:00 - 00:59:55)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Ms. Simpson and Andy enter Kyle's room, Kyle's lighter is lying on the table beside the cloth. When they leave, the light has moved onto the cloth. (00:12:30 - 00:13:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the worker has been electrocuted, Mattson and his boss walk towards the exit. We see Chucky sitting by the exit door (rigid and lifeless) and his right arm is down on the floor. In the next shot, his arm is in his lap. (00:07:35)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy equips himself with an electric knife, he heads for the basement, opening the door. We then see a shot of the basement, completely dark except for a window-shaped patch of light. When Andy gets down the stairs, the basement is much more brighter. (00:41:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After the teacher has thrown Chucky into the closet there is a closeup of Andy. You can see a book with red edges on his desk. When it cuts to a shot from above you can see the book has changed. (00:34:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky closes the door so Kyle can't get in, he has his arm by his side, but in the next shot when he says 'Ok sport' his hand is up and pointing at Andy. (00:58:55)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the fire alarm has been set off, Andy is standing at the top of the staircase, looking at Kyle. Then Grace Pool walks down the stairs and grabs Andy by the top of his arm. But when the shot changes she is holding his hand. (00:58:00)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Andy is in the basement, he walks backward into the wash-dryer, and we see a big sheet hanging up on a line behind him, with five pegs. After he hears a noise and turns to look, now only four pegs hold it up. (00:43:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The position of the metal poker changes from when we see it as the camera pans around the basement, to when Chucky picks it up. (00:42:25 - 00:45:10)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky jumps on Kyle's back in the bedroom, she struggles to get him off. In an attempt, she bashes up against the wall, and this knocks a picture frame askew. In the next shot the frame is straight. (00:52:30)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: The front part of Kyle's red Ford is damaged when she is trying to get rid of Chucky and smashes into a pole. However, when she runs to her car so that she can chase the Chicago Sun-Times truck, in the overhead shot of the front of the car as she reverses, the car is intact. (00:56:25 - 01:00:25)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Kyle first breaks the car, and Chucky flies out the window, behind the wire fence you can see loads of barrels and crates. But when Kyle smashes the car into the fence in an attempt to hit Chucky, in a wide shot you can see all the barrels and crates have fallen over, but there are less barrels and crates than in the previous shot. (00:56:15)


Child's Play 2 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Chucky is threatening Mattson in the car with the fake gun, between shots as he shouts threats at Mattson, Chucky's grip on the gun and the angle at which he has it pressed against Mattson's cheek keeps changing. (00:18:30)


More mistakes in Child's Play 2

Chucky: You little shit. Do you realise what you've done? It's too late. I've spent to much time in this body. I'm fucking trapped in here!

More quotes from Child's Play 2

Trivia: The characters Karen Barclay and Detective Norris were meant to be in the film during an opening courtroom scene, but the sequence was cut out to save money. Funnily enough, Karen Barclay's actress Catherine Hicks, despite not being in the movie, was often on-set as she met and married one of the special effects wizards who created the Chucky doll in the original film, and had returned to work on the sequel.


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