Chasing Amy

Continuity mistake: When Silent Bob is telling the Amy story in the diner, his cigarette mysteriously grows from barely above the filter to about half length, then it disappears from his hand entirely, and he draws a new one. (01:30:40)

Chasing Amy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the hockey fight, number 12's helmet is off, then on, then off again. (01:17:00)

Continuity mistake: Towards the end where Silent Bob is in the diner, he finishes reading a comic book and they show him toss it on the table. However, in the very next shot from a different angle he has the comic book in his hand again and tosses it on the table once more. (01:25:15)

Chasing Amy mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end, when the fan at the convention gives the last issue of Bluntman And Chronic to Banky to sign, Banky looks through the book with his pen in his left hand. It cuts away, and then back again, and the pen is in his right hand. (01:44:20)

Continuity mistake: During the dart scene, the customers who use the restrooms ignore the gender signs. (Most likely intentional, but worth a look). (00:14:20)

Continuity mistake: When Silent Bob is telling the Amy story in the diner, his cigarette mysteriously grows from barely above the filter to about half length, then it disappears from his hand entirely, and he draws a new one. (01:30:40)

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Trivia: When Holden and Alyssa are talking in the Meow Mix club, they mention the Quick Stop and one event that took place there in "Clerks" (other Kevin Smith movie). They also talk about the girl who drowned in the YMCA pool and that is also mentioned in "Clerks". (00:19:20 - 00:20:10)

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Question: At the beginning of the movie, who is the guy who tells someone he cannot imagine Chow Yun Fat playing Madman?

Answer: That is Matt Wagnerm, creator of the "Madman" comic series.

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